News Jan-Feb 2025


For the months of February, March and April the Saturday start time will be 10:30 a.m. with the office opening on Saturdays at 9:30 a.m. and the shooters meeting at 10:15 a.m.
The Sunday match start time will remain the same at 9:00 a.m. (The office will open Sundays at 8:00, and 8:30 for the shooter meeting.)

Did you read that? Oh I hope you did. We’re trying to get the word out. Please tell your friends that the Saturday Matches at 5 Dogs will start at 10:30 & the Sunday matches start at 9am. This is just for Feb, March & April. This also means that folks driving in from farther have a bit more time and don’t have to hit the road so early when it might be foggy. Stay safe and we hope to see you soon. Ok, here’s your newsletter:


News Nov 2024

Click here-> 2024 DEC HOWLER 5DC

DECEMBER Shooting Schedule:
SAT November 30th & SUN Dec 1st
Office opens at 8:00am. Sign In by 8:30am
Shooter’s Mtg. 8:45am

Mark your calendar for these Upcoming Matches:
JAN 4-5
FEB 1-2
MAR 1-2


She-Bang! Nov 2-3, 2024

Firstly- here’s the SHE-BANG! PDF event flyer:

Secondly, here are most of the words from the flyer, in case you’re searching, that gives you a better chance of findin’.

The ladies of 5 Dog Creek in Bakersfield are back again for another ‘shenanigan’ filled weekend of shooting! Cowgirls and cowboys, y’all join us as we take our monthly match up a notch, or two!

  • ➢  5 stages each day (two separate matches) Come for one day or stay all weekend!
  • ➢  On Saturday the office opens at 7:45 a.m., sign in by 8:30 a.m. and the shooters meeting at 8:45a.m.
  • ➢  On Sunday the office opens at 7:45 a.m., sign in by 8:30 a.m. and the shooters meeting at 8:45 a.m.
  • ➢  Regular daily match rate: Members $20; Non-members $25.
  • ➢  Everyone – shooters and non-shooters – will be able to enter into drawings for treasured items donated by the ladies of 5 Dog Creek.
    We will be selling ‘dog-nabbits’ (5 for $10) to erase some of those pesky misses with the proceeds going to Toys for Tots. Toys or monetary donations are greatly appreciated, especially for younger children and teenagers. All toys need to be new and unwrapped. Gift cards are welcome.
  • ➢  Hot dog it’s Friday and appetizers! The ladies will provide the hot dogs and fixings. Bring an appetizer to share if you would like.
  • ➢  Team shoot after the match Saturday and other fun so bring some extra ammunition!
  • ➢  Saturday night’s potluck is legendary and will be BACON themed, so bring grub to share and an appetite.
  • ➢  Cowboy swap meet! All weekend, sell, buy, trade or barter your extra cowboy duds, gear or whatever.Free camping on the range Friday-Monday.
    No pre-registration. No party poopers!

News Oct2024

Supposin you’re teetering on the log, deciding ifn you is camping for the October match, or just shootin & scootin. Meebee this will help you get to getting goin’;  ‘Appetizer’ Friday at about 5:30pm so please join us for that – and as always there will be the Potluck Dinner on Saturday night about 6 pm. Look for the Potuck sign posted on site to confirm the time. Bring your favorite dish to share. Plates & utensils provided

Looking Ahead:
October 5-6 match is the “GunFighter Throwdown!” This is a great time to try out shooting gunfighter if you want to. (But you don’t have to).

November 2-3 Match is the She-Bang. “Tiaras, Triggers & Toys” Check out the flyer in the newsletter!

Work Party on Saturday, September 28th. Please show up if you can.

Cowboy coffee recipe on the 2nd to last page.

Aaaaaannnd Here’s your Howler! 2024 OCT HOWLER

Diablo Canyon Posse – Story in the 5DC Howler