Posse Assignments 2012 CA State Championships

Wondering what Posse are you on? Here are the lists!

Please note that Posses are grouped together; (1 & 2),  (3& 4), (5 & 6) and so on.

So Posses 1 & 2 are grouped together. But while posse 1 is shooting, posse 2 is working the same stage- counting, running the loading & unloading tables, resetting targets, and all that. Then while Posse 2 shoots, Posse 1 works the stage.

Questions? Contact our Sheriff -> fordyceleia@live.com

Posse Report Main Match 05042012 Posse 1
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Scores April 2012


SAT 3/31/12
Clean and Smooth Main Match
Saturday, March 31, 2012 3:04:15 PM Shoot_date: 3 /31/2012
Bones Brannon
El Alacran Del Norte
Hooker John
Huckleberry Flash
Leia Tombstone
Quick Draw Grandpa
Total clean shooters: 6

match finaltt Main Match 03312012

Scores by Categtt Main Match 03312012

Scores by Categtt Main Match 03312012Page2

Stage Ranking Main Match 03312012

Sunday was Rained out. No scores from Sunday.

Scores March 2012

5 Dogs Creek Scores for March 2012


Clean Match:

Bones Brannon
Coyote Cody
El Alacran Del Norte
Hooker John

Scores by Categtt Main Match 03032012

Scores by Categtt Main Match 03032012Page2

match finaltt Main Match 03032012

Stage Ranking Main Match 03032012


Clean Shooters:

Bones Brannon
Kate Barlow
Mad Dog Draper
Missouri Drifter
Quick Draw Grandpa
R B Shannon
Sierra Rider

Scores by Categtt Main Match 03042012

Scores by Categtt Main Match 03042012Page2

match finaltt Main Match 03042012

Stage Ranking Main Match 03042012

Scores Feb 2012

SATURDAY Feb 4th 2012

match finaltt Main Match 02042012

Scores by Categtt Main Match 02042012

Scores by Categtt Main Match 02042012Page2

Stage Ranking Main Match 02042012

(Some of the above say Sunday Feb 4th, when we all know it means Saturday Feb 4th).

SUNDAY Feb 5th 2012

match finaltt Main Match 02052012

match finaltt Main Match 02052012Page2

Scores by Categtt Main Match 02052012

Scores by Categtt Main Match 02052012Page2

Stage Ranking Main Match 02052012

Scores Jan 2012/Dec 2011

The last Scores of 2011, and the first Scores of 2012.

SATURDAY Clean and Smooth Main Match

Saturday, December 31, 2011
B Haven Badly
Bonny Kate
El Alacran Del Norte
Limpin’ Leroy
Miss Ann Laughitoff
Miss Barah Lee Misditt
Porch Dog
Ruthless Ray

match final Main Match 12-31-2011

Scores by Category Main Match 12-31-2011

Scores by Category Main Match 12-31-2011Page2

Stage Ranking Main Match 12-31-2011


Clean Shooter: Chama Bill

match finaltt Main Match 01-01-2012

match finaltt Main Match 01-01-2012 Page2

Scores by Categtt Main Match 01-01-2012

Scores by Categtt Main Match 01-01-2012 Page2