News Oct2024

Supposin you’re teetering on the log, deciding ifn you is camping for the October match, or just shootin & scootin. Meebee this will help you get to getting goin’;  ‘Appetizer’ Friday at about 5:30pm so please join us for that – and as always there will be the Potluck Dinner on Saturday night about 6 pm. Look for the Potuck sign posted on site to confirm the time. Bring your favorite dish to share. Plates & utensils provided

Looking Ahead:
October 5-6 match is the “GunFighter Throwdown!” This is a great time to try out shooting gunfighter if you want to. (But you don’t have to).

November 2-3 Match is the She-Bang. “Tiaras, Triggers & Toys” Check out the flyer in the newsletter!

Work Party on Saturday, September 28th. Please show up if you can.

Cowboy coffee recipe on the 2nd to last page.

Aaaaaannnd Here’s your Howler! 2024 OCT HOWLER

Diablo Canyon Posse – Story in the 5DC Howler



Morning weather was really nice this Labor Day weekend for a shooting match. Stages were evidently written for speed and accuracy. We had a lot of both. There was talk about just what made those stages go faster. Not just quick stage times, but the whole posse was finishing with stages quickly & moving on. Maybe we can see a clue in this action photo.

Was it the way people were loading? The snappy costumes? Mentally preparing by shadow shooting? All of those sure sound good.
Do you see an abundance of something? Wait, let’s look at that from another view.
Faster brass picking seems to have sped things up!
This cowboy here may be partly responsible for the quickness felt by the whole posse. If you look again at that 1st picture, you’ll see we have 2 brass picker-uppers on the posse.
What you can’t see is folks lightening the load by picking up whatever brass was by their feet and dropping it into the brass picking contraption. Truly many hands make light work. Or light and fast work in this case.
Aaaaannnnd one cowboy, did save us all some time by turning in his first ever 11 second stage. Congrats to Coyote Carson! That is 22 shots fired from 4 different guns, from 2 different locations, no misses, and of course loading the shotgun on the clock. All in 11 and a half seconds. Here’s the almost unbelievable but true video.

You can check the Sunday scores to verify, stage 3 with a time of 11.58 seconds.
Speaking of which, here’s the scores!

5DC SCORES Sept 2024 Sat
5DC Scores Sept 2024 Sunday

That all said, it was a nice weekend out at 5 Dogs Creek with good people having a good time.

PS: Hilde took some photos too: