ShootOut 2015 at 5 Dogs Creek

5 Dogs Creek Cowboy Action Shooters
say Thank you to Everybody who Helped
make this Event a Huge Success!
And Thanks to Everybody who Participated!
Happy Trails to All!

2015 Scores are here:

You are welcome at our monthly shooting matches!
See the “About” page for details.






April 30th – May 3rd, 2015

12 Main Match Stages! .

DOWNLOAD your 2015 Registration HERE


2015 Schedule of Events (subject to change)


  • 7:00 am Registration (Main Office)

    7:00 – 10:30 am Precision Single Shot Rifle LOCATION – on covered range south of Stage 1

    Must sign up at the stage by 9:45 am to shoot! 7:15 – 10:15 am Long Range Lever Rifle (Stage 6)

    7:15 – 10:15 am Long Range Lever Rifle (Stage 6)

    9:00 – 11:00 am Wild Bunch meet on Stage 1 (2 stages) $5

    9:00 am, 11:00 am, 1:00 pm WARM-UP STAGES meet on Stage 5 (4 stages) Sign up at the Registration Office. The cost is $20. NOTE: Each warm-up session is limited to 80 shooters.

    10:30 am – 1:30 pm Running With the Big Dogs (Stage 6; $2 per run) All funds will go the St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital.

    11:00 am – 2:00 pm Speed Pistol (Stage 3)

    Speed Rifle (Stage 4)

    Speed Shotgun (Stage 4)

    Shoot long range rifle and speed stages as many times as you like. Your best time will be the one that counts. The first run is free and after that it is $1 per run. All funds will go to the St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital.

    1:00 – 3:00 pm Plainsman meet on Stage 10 (3 stages)

    3:30 pm Posse leader walk through. Meet on Stage 1 This is for Posse Leaders ONLY.

    Dusk Black Powder Night Shoot meet on Bay 11 (2 stages) $5


Friday: Six Stages

  • 7:00 am Registration (Main Office)
  • 8:00 am Mandatory Shooter’s Meeting
  • 6:00 pm Dinner followed by the flying fiddle fingers of the Mad Trapper of Rat River and Brad Cole on guitar. The Mad Trapper has performed at cowboy events from Alaska to Arizona to benefit various benefit various charities. Tonight the spittoon is out for  the Kern County Shriners. Under a different alias, the Mad Trapper has performed as a classical violinist throughout Canada, Europe, and the U.S.

Saturday: Six Stages

  • 8:30 am Main Match continues
  • 6:00 pm While dinner is served music will be provided by RedHouse Productions. During dinner the top 16 men and women will be invited to shoot the Top Gun Shoot Off on Sunday morning. RedHouse Productions will then provide music for dancing throughout the rest of the evening.


  • 7:15 am – 8:15 am Cowboy Church (In front of Main Stage)
  • 8:15 – 9:45 am Couples/Pairs Shoot
  • 10:00 am TOP GUN SHOOT OFF: Come and watch the fastest 16 men and women shoot for the top spot at Stage 2. Count is 10, 10, and 6+. The finale, purely for bragging rights, will be Mars versus Venus.

The Awards Ceremony will begin approximately 20 minutes after the conclusion of the Top Gun Shoot Off.

*SASS Rules Apply. Must be a SASS member to shoot this match. Raw time scoring. Mail your registration before before April 10 to get the best deal. (But late entries are still welcome!) See Registration form for details.

Because of the need to manage posse flow, we cannot accommodate shoot-throughs. However if there are enough shooters to necessitate morning and afternoon relays, it may be possible to assign a shooter to both a morning and an afternoon posse on the same day.

*Interested in being a Vendor? Click here to download the 5DC Vendor Agreement for 2015.  Any questions? Email the Vendor Wrangler for details & signup.

Registered Shooter List 2015

Sponsors – Personal & Corporate

Questions ->

2013 ShootBook (previous – for example only)pdf

2014 Vendor List

2014 Event Schedule

Range Directions & Map

Nearby Hotels

Photos (upload yours too!)


Friday & Saturday Dinner & Entertainment is included with your shooter registration. Extra dinners for Friday and Saturday nights may be purchased with your registration. In order to provide an accurate head count to the caterer, dinner tickets must be purchased in advance.

For registration forms & info call Email Registration Questions to The Mayor or call 661-203-4238.


If you have photos and are willing to share, we’d love to display your photos of this event!

Registered shooters will receive confirmation by email or mail.
Click HERE to see the list of Registered Shooters for this event (when available).


In previous years Camp fires were permitted in the camping area but ONLY in a portable fire pit. We are not sure about this year yet. The policy LAST YEAR was:
Fires must be in a container that holds fire off the ground.
Must have a screen / spark arrestor above the fire.
Area beneath the fire unit must be cleared of grass, debris etc. Please be safe & responsible!


Montego would be happy to repair any website issues

22 thoughts on “ShootOut 2015 at 5 Dogs Creek

  1. we need some help resetting some targets that were moved, maybe 3 or 4 stages, help would be appreciated

  2. Welp, its over and done. And once again I had the time of my life !! Great shoot . . . I think Bonny Kate would have agreed if she had not had the squib -ouch- (which I loaded :<{( ). Hot, yes. Windy, yes. Dusty, yes. Best PEOPLE ever, YES!! What ever replaces this event in the future . . . COUNT ME/US IN !!!!

    My thanks to the good people that made this possible……….


  3. Great shoot, Great Food, Great company!! All around a fantastic job as always by 5 Dogs.

    So… where’s the scores??? :-)

  4. Utah
    I have appreciated everything at 5 Dogs for the past three years. Although I missed the first anorexic dog on stage 11, the stages were great. I even liked wind blowing the dirt in my face; it made the shooting more authentic as it was in the old west. While it will be a challenge to duplicate your efforts next year at Diamond Dicks Cowboy Town, we will attempt, under the guidance of Sutter Lawman, to provide the service that every vaquero deserves. Thanks again.

    Pancho Sin Lefty

  5. There is a food vendor. They serve breakfast, lunch and Thursday night dinner. Very reasonably priced.

  6. Thank you, after I sent you an email half hour ago, I realize I hadn’t thanked you and the entire club for all the hard work you put in over the last 15 years putting on one of the finest examples of a state championship that I have ever seen. I want to thank you and the whole Five Dogs Gang and let you know that it really was one of the highlights of my year to share that three or four days with you and all of your members who always made me feel like part of the club even though I only see you once a year. u will be missed and whoever takes over the role of host for the state championship will have big shoes to fill indeed!
    A heartfelt thanks from Monterey Kid. Dale Allen

  7. Wichita Bell I understand that the 2016 State Championship will be held at Diamond Dick’s Cowboy (near Sacramento) April 28 thru May 1,2016. I understand info coming out soon as caters confirmed and a cost determined……Limpy

  8. Reply to Wichita Belle. We are so glad you have enjoyed coming to our club. I am sure there will be an annual match next year, but it won’t be the State Championships. We have enjoyed hosting the State Championship for the past 15 years but thought it was time to pass the torch to another club.

  9. Deja Vous and I will be there this year! And we will be camping…..
    It’s been WAY too long!
    AND we get stay at the range cuz we are bringing our trailer, the Bella Union…..


    JJJ and DV

  10. Well, do we have a shooters list for 2015 to replace the one showing 2014 ??

  11. Just read Jim Bean’s comment about this being the last year for the CA State at 5 Dogs. We have really enjoyed our time at 5 Dogs each year and will truly miss being there. Where will the match be in 2016?

  12. Im saddened to hear this is our last California State Championship hosted by 5 Dogs..great range and best of all great people…And i have to miss it due to work. ; (

  13. Running with the Big Dogs uses the same SASS legal guns that would be used in the main match. It requires the shooter to engage pistol targets for 10 rounds and four plus shotgun targets. The rifle targets are a “moving dog” that rotates about 180 degrees on a track in both directions and passes by stacked hay bales on its way across the front berm. There is a Road Runner that also goes back and forth in front of the dog; the Road Runner cannot be hit.

  14. Did Christine’s question get answered?? I would offer and answer . . . but I don’t have one……… Limpy

  15. What does the side match, Running with the Big Dogs, entail? Specifically what guns are used?

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