We had a great weekend at 5 Dogs Creek! Even if it was cold at night and during the day. January. You know, the dead of winter and all that.
Professor Cubby Bear wrote good stages with cat themed situations. Fun!
5DC SCORES SAT Jan4-2025
5DC SCORES SUN Jan5-2025
Match starting time on Saturdays in February, March, and April will be 10:30am. The office will open at 9:30 and the shooter meeting will be at 10:15. Hopefully this will ease the drive for shooters from out of the area to make the Saturday match, at least during the winter months. Sunday match time is not changed.
If you like this later Saturday start time, cast your vote by showing up on Saturday. That’s how we will know if this is popular, by how many people show up on Saturday. If you really like this later start time then bring some friends to the match.