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March Edition 2009

Howdy Folks

What a beautiful weekend! Everything was just great this weekend and Quick Draw Grandpa put on a super match. There were six stages both days so everyone got in some extra practice for the upcoming State Championship Shoot in April and May.

The “comfort food” potluck turned out really great too. There was some oohs and awws floating around and a lot of contented folks with full bellies at the end of the evening. I just wanted to curl up some where and take a well needed nap. Only thing though, I didn’t bring my blanket and pillow…Maybe next time. Since the potlucks go over so well let’s do another for next month. Since I have a tendency to go for Mexican food, let’s just go for what ever makes you happy. Bring a dish of your favorite food and a hearty appetite and be prepared to enjoy a pleasant evening and socializing.



Bones gave some more instructions for the shotgun Saturday and is putting together a video to go along with his pamphlet to help women learn how to shoot the flying clays and pop ups. Many thanks go to Bones for his hard work in doing this to help the ladies and the volunteers who were in the video, Sunshine Kid, Miss Barah Lee Misditt and Wanderin Rose. Even Mad Traper of Rat River got in on the action and learned a little that day.

The Victorian Military shooters put on a grand showing this weekend. It was so much fun watching them that I forgot to take a lot of photos of them. But I was really impressed with their shooting and how much hard work was involved in their shooting and reloading on the clock.

The Victorian shooters were Mescalero, Old Top, Professor Cubby Bear,

Sgt. Maj ODonnell, and Hop-along Roy.


Bo Bean will be putting on the April match and states there will be 6 stages each day
They will be close and fast and require 60 pistol 60 rifle and 28 to 30 shot gun each day.
So bring some extra ammo and come out and have some fun.


There will be a work party this next month also to finish sprucing up the range and getting it ready for the State Championship the last of April. There is also a great need for volunteers to help put the State match on so please contact Miss Foxy Schoolmarm

or call 661-872-7863 and let her know the time and days you are available. They also will need runners during the matches each day so if you are available please sign up. Its count down time now folks so everything must be done and ready to go really soon.

Howdy All,
It's that time of year again; the Shootout at 5 Dogs Creek 2009 is just around the corner. You all have kept the range looking really good and due to your hard work you have made my job really easy, for that I thank you all.
We need to put together a couple of work parties. Weather permitting, I would like to have one February 28th, after the Saturday match. And next month April 4th, after the Saturday match. I would like to keep these work parties short; the more people we have the faster it will go. We need to do general clean up, most of the tools we need are at the range. I would like to pull staples and beat down nails again, so if you can, bring a hammer and screwdriver and pliers. I would also like to move the coffin and the corpse on bay #8 back so the board walk is clear.
April 25th and 26th
We will need to put together a Shootout work party Saturday, April 25th and Sunday, April 26th -- the weekend before the shootout. This will be the final chance to get the range cleaned-up and the targets set for the match. I have been told we will be providing pizza for lunch Saturday and possibly Sunday.

All the help we can get the three days before the shootout would be greatly appreciated. This week will be a lot of work and we need all the help we can get. I will be at the range from April 24th through the Shootout so if you are looking for something to do during the week please come see me. No mater how much or little you can help, it all will be appreciated.   
Thank You
Mad Dog Draper
If you can help or have any ideas or suggestions feel free to contact me.


If you haven’t sent in your shooters registration yet you had better hurry. If you have a special request to shoot with a certain person you need to get that info in as well. There will be a shooters packet stuffing party after the shoot Saturday and as you know many hands make for quick work. If you can, be there.

The volunteers for the state match will be able to park close to the area where we usually park and the rest of the campers will be put down in the pasture close to the entrance to 5 Dogs Creek. There is still a water shortage on the range but Dave said he will bring down his water truck and fill up water holding tanks if needed. If you can, bring some extra water and extra fuel for generators just in case. There will be someone available to pump black water tanks for a fee when they come out to pump the restrooms. I think the price will be the same as last year. .$25.00 There will be ice available on the range as usual for those who need it.

The entertainment is all set for the State Championship and also the food venders.

So there will be no worries there. We should all have a great time and with plenty of food and amenities. Don’t forget the Howling Wolf Saloon too! We couldn’t get along with out that enjoyable part of our evenings too.


The Pozo River Vigilance Committee (in Santa Margarita) is hosting a Shoot for the Troops on Saturday, March 28. Proceeds from the match and raffle will support care packages being sent to cowboys -- and family members of cowboys -- deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan. This is one of the most fun, relaxed matches you'll ever attend. It's like a big family picnic...with guns!

For details about the match go to or to make a contribution to the cause contact Dirty Sally at (805) 438-4817 or
There will be a raffle that includes three guns and many, many other nice items (do not need to be present to win the guns). Get your tickets from Dirty Sally or Calgary Kate.

The match also falls on the same weekend as the fifth Sunday shoot for the Chorro Valley Regulators (Sunday, March 29). Two great matches, one weekend of fun!


If any one has any announcements or something to put in the newsletter please let me know and I will see that it is put in there. Or photos to share. See you on the range.
or 559-568-0022 also 559 920 4999
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