November 2006 Edition

Well as the dust has cleared and the votes have been tallied the elections are done for another year. All the town council members remain the same except for the position of editor. Yours truly has been elected editor and I aim to give it my best shot. If all will hang in there with me I hope to learn all the in's and out's really soon. Doll Maker

October Monthly Match

Dirt and Bull McFearson put on a great match this month and had everyone doing a lot of laughing and really enjoying themselves. There was a great potluck and bbq and a movie (Blazing Saddles). Even a little dancing was thrown in. After the movie Double Shot Deb and Doll Maker shared their photos from that days shoot in the form of a slideshow. Everyone enjoyed being a star for a day and little Havic was just adorable.
We had some new faces at this months match. There was Papa Willie and his lovely wife Chucky Mae. Papa Willie is an old hand at this game but Chucky Mae is just getting her ole irons primed as this was her second shoot. Keep up the good work Chucky Mae and a big Welcome around the campfire to you both..

Well what a match!!! For those of you who like thrillers and horror movies this was the one for you. Mescalero and Calgory Kate did a standup job on this one for sure. With the theme from Tremors 4 and quite a variety of skits and lines this one had quite a few cowboys and cowgirls squirming in their boots. We finally found out what all the tin cans were for during the movie and I heard quite a few screams along the way too. I bet there was even a nightmare or two that night also. Thanks Calgory Kate and Mescalero for a great evening.
The potluck was a hit again and everyone had a full belly as they gathered around to watch the movie. I hear some suggestions for another potluck next month. Who can turn down a good meal and great company combined...

We had a new guest shooter with us this Sunday. His name is Hardluck Hannie. He really enjoyed himself and just may be joining our range.

We also had Chisler Wood and Shootswith Avengence from Montana. Chisler Wood has been here before and worked at 5 Dogs Range growing up. Sure was nice to get them both here for a visit. Sure was fun watching them both pour on the lead as they cleared leather. What a pair to beat for sure. …..

We have had several members who have had some medical problems lately and anyone wishing to pass along some get well wishes and prayers would be greatly appreciated. They are Big Hoss who just had a triple bypass and Shenandoa Sherm who will be undergoing some surgery really soon. Please keep them in your prayers.... Doll Maker
