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January 19, 2006

Howdy all,

I have taken it upon myself to appoint the Goofy Gunman to the position of Editor (he was the only one I could find) I expect he will do a good job. . The Goofy Gunman can be reached s.pendergrass(at) verizon (dot) net. Since he hasn't had a chance to get up to speed yet I guess I'll try to bring everyone up to date.

Our News Years Shoot was a huge success in spite of the weather. Mescalero put on a very fun and challenging 10 stages. While not everyone got to finish all stages due to rain I think all had a good time. There were 52 hearty souls who braved the rain to sit down for a Prime Rib Dinner prepared by yours truely. I guess it was edible cause there weren't none left. After dinner most hung around for the bonfire and some socilizin'. Lucky for us it didn't rain on dinner and the fire. Calgary Kate and Mescalero were presented with a plaque for time served as Editor and Sheriff. It will be hard to fill the the shoes of either one, a big thank you for service to the club. Nugget Nellie also received a plaque. She is always ready to step up and do what's necessary, whether coordinating volunteers at the annual or helping with registration. She also keeps the rest of us on our toes.

This past weekend 10 cowboys showed up to help Smiley work on the second Miners shack. We also got a good start on the new shade in the town square. Portugee Phillips set up for next month's match which should prove different and challenging because he had several devious types helping him. If anyone goes out to practice please don't move the targets. Thanks to all who showed up to help.

There will be another work party this weekend. Smiley needs 2-3 carpenter types to help finish the miners cabin. On Sunday we will be putting poles in the ground for the shade. The more help we have the easier it will be, so please if you can spare some time come out and give us a hand.

Dirt & Dyphicult MeFearson are pleased to announce the arrival fo their new baby girl Kathryn 6.5 pounds, 19.5 inches tall. Calary Kate is lobbying to call her Havoc. Let us know what you think. Also Kentuky Women is recovering from foot surgery she had in December.

Dues are due. If you haven't paid your dues for the year please do so.

Registrations are starting to come in for the Annual Shootout at 5 Dogs Creek, May 4-7. I encourage all members of our club to sign up. Not only do you get to shoot with other cowboys from all over the state and a few from other states, but this is how we fund our range improvements and pay for our targets. So it is important that our annual be succesfull. No other shoot anywhere gives you the bang for your buck as ours.

Scores for last monthes match can be found at

I know this is not up to the standard newsletter we have had in the past but is the best this broke down cowboy can muster. If you have items for the newletter send them to the Goofy Gunman.
Thanks for your patience as I work through this. See you at the Range.

Almost Dangerous

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