<-June 2003 Photos

The Great Five Dogs Raid

By Hartford
June scenerio story 2003

While you were out on the range chasing out some stray sheep, you were jumped by a band of renegade Indians and captured. You don’t know what horrible fate awaits, but the chief’s daughter, Princess Many Dogs Lift Leg On Face, who was taken by your obvious manly ways, comes to you with an offer you can’t refuse. Marry her or be forced to become sheepherder.

While pondering your decision, not an easy one, you receive word that the peaceful little settlement of Five Dogs has been taken over by the Cowboys. You must escape and save the ranch! And your life. And your future!

With the help of the princess, you break out of the teepee and find your guns are luckily stashed where you can shoot your way out of the camp!
You make your way to the old adobe, but you find a bunch of the bad guys are already there. You get engaged in a gun fight, and are holding your own, but soon run out of ammo! Luckily, your trusty burro and your spare revolver are they’re waiting for you, so you retrieve it and shoot your way clear.

You arrive in town undetected and stop at the undertakers to make sure they’ve got enough coffins, but you hear the gang coming. Luckily, there’s an empty coffin right there, so you jump in and pretend to be residing in it. As soon as it’s clear, you jump out and engage the gang. Just in the nick of time, you enter the building and see that they are holding Hoss, the curmudgeonly old undertaker, and are preparing to give him and his assistants an early tour of their own graves. You deal with them and ride on.

You stop at the Albatross Creek mine, where the gang is preparing to steal the gold ore. You take care of most of the gang, but their leader gives up just before you take him down. Or does he? Quick as the rattlesnake that he is, he goes for his hidden gun, but before he can strike, you shoot it out of his hand! Another bunch of the gang on the hillside starts shooting at you, and you empty your rifle on ‘em. Just then, a shot rings out, barely missing you. There’s one more guy hidden in the mine itself! Luckily, you have a spare round on you which you use to take out this last bad hombre.

You find a few stragglers hidden in one of the abandoned buildings, but a few of them up on the hillside won’t come out from behind cover and shoot it out face- to- face, so you’re forced to take cover yourself and shoot at them from behind the walls. Luckily, the walls stop their bullets and you escape unscathed.

By now your pore old burro is getting pretty durn tired, so you ride up to the livery to get a fresh mount. Behind the building you find that the last of the gang has gotten there first and are holding the territorial governor and town mayor hostage. The gang threatens to throw the hostages into a pit of snakes if you don’t let them go. Your eagle eye shooting saves the day once again as you down the gang members without even scratching the hostages. Luckily, you have a shotgun handy and you kill all of the snakes, before riding out of town one last time.

June 2003 Photos ->