Montego's Photos More Photos
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If you have some photos or movies of this event to share, Please do share them with us. We'll post them here. You can share your photos in many ways. No matter how you send them to us, I can make up a photo web page and post it on this website. So please send in your photos!

I can accept up to 40MB of photos per email message, and any number, size or quality is Okay.
Include captions if you want to, just say what picture they go with.

Use these settings with your favorite FTP program:
Server: TheRowdyWranglers.com
User ID: 5dcphotos
pw: bangding
path: (leave blank)

This will get you to a folder window of our FTP server. It should appear empty. Drag files from your computer into this window to send.
** Note that even after you upload the files here, the folder window will still appear empty. That's ok. It's a security feature.

Please put your photos in a folder named with your name or cowboy name and drag that folder into the FTP server. (So we can tell which photos are yours and keep them together). It's not a bad idea to to tell me what you uploaded, and your cowboy alias so I can give you photo credit.

Files may have a name up to 29 characters. Spaces are not recommended, slashes (/) and other "funny" characters in the file name are not ok . Slashes will cause an error, preventing the file transfer.
If your computer is set up for FTP, click here to upload photos (it might even work)

FTP Software:
Any standard FTP client application ought to work well, including;
Macintosh: Cyberduck(free).Transmit, Interarchy, Fetch, Captain FTP
Windows users may like FileZilla(free).

Snail Mail:
You can also send a cd, dvd, or floppy disc of photos. to get my mailing address. I use a Mac as my main computer, so I can open just about any kind of computer disc.