November Edition 2009

                                                                                                                              Doll Maker, Editor

Hello Folks

Wow! What a great weekend! If you weren't here you really missed a great match. The wonderful ladies who helped put this match together did a great job and everyone was walking around tired but with smiling faces. There was the Halloween shoot on Saturday with the relay shoot following that then the pot luck dinner with the raffle drawing during it and then the kids got to go trick or treating. What a day! Saturday evening there was a bonfire where Calgary Kate did the honors and put her props to the fire while Mad Trapper of Rat River played his fiddle. He sure is great with that too. Then Sunday everyone got to settle down and enjoy a great shoot. There were three posses Saturday and four Sunday. What a great turnout! A lot of folks decided to dress up Saturday for Halloween and were pretty imaginative in their choices. Here are a few photos.

I have posted photos from October and November to web site if you want to check them out. Doll Maker


SHE-BANG! 2009

She-Bang! 2009 won't soon be forgotten. Many folks donned Halloween costumes while some dressed up as cowboys. But one thing EVERYONE wore were smiles of delight for all the fun they were having.

In the spirit of Halloween, the Saturday scenarios had us blasting Zombies, shooting ghost pop-ups, boarding a ghost train, and trying not to get spooked by a swinging target. During Saturday's Team Relay event (two guys and a "ghoul" on a team) a pumpkin bucket was speedily handed off between teammates after shotgun shells mercilessly pounded snakes, Bone's wobbly rifle target wound its way down the bay, and the Texas Star cursed a few shooters... or was cursed by a few shooters!

We had so much fun with the Team Relay that there was no time for the other games we had ready to play. This did not seem to bother the kids who were delighted with the costume contest, Trick-or-Treating trailer-to-trailer among the numerous campsites, and happily running amuck in the dark while the adults enjoyed a big friendly gathering around the evening campfire.

Saturday night's potluck dinner was another 5 Star 5 Dogs event in which everyone made a fantastic culinary contribution.

Raffle tickets were awarded throughout the day for all sorts of positive contributions: wearing a Halloween costume, singing your starting line, shooting a clean stage, being score keeper, etc. At dinner we had the raffle prize drawing of delicious home baked goodies, home made items and thoughtful gifts contributed by some of the men.

Sunday's stages had a Thanksgiving flavor – we called out our joy for turkey and taters, had an unbelievable time rifle shooting a golf ball to the end of the bay and shooting a paper turkey bonus for our Thanksgiving supper.

The ladies of the club organized and operated the entire event from writing the scenarios and being posse leaders to home making raffle prizes and decorating. This year's participants were Calgary Kate, Doll Maker, Dyphicult McFearson, Eve Nenjoy, Foxi Schoolmarm, Granny Kettle, Kate Barlow, Lacy Anne Leather, Leia Tombstone, Merry Meg, Miss Ann Laughitoff, Miss Barah Lee Misditt, Miss Chevious, Pocket Change, Raspberry Hayes, Sunshine Kid and Wonderin' Rose. Special Thanks goes to Sheriff Mescalero for reviewing all the unique scenarios we sent his way.

This was 5 Dogs Creek's second She-Bang! Both years have seen extraordinarily creative and selfless participation by the women of the club. Many gals handily tried things they had never done before like write a scenario or be a posse leader. A big Hoorah! to our first time scenario writers and posse leaders!

An event like She-Bang! is a great opportunity for many members at one time to work together to put on a special monthly match, for individuals to try new responsibilities and advance their skills, for the newest members to become involved, and for the club to keep its skills sharp for big events like the state championship.

Congratulations and Thank You to all the ladies for their efforts to put on a terrific She-Bang! Thank You everyone for showing your "spirit." EVERYONE made the whole She-Bang! a fun and memorable event. We have a great club!               Sunshine Kid


SAFETY MESSAGE: During the Shooter's Meeting Mescalero reminded us of an important safety consideration. With flu season upon us or because of other medical issues you may have, you may be taking medications that should not be used while operating machinery. Even a touch of a cold can make regular brain function less than stellar and medications can make things worse. Guns are machinery and we all need to be on our "best brain behavior" when handling guns. Be safe for yourself and others.

Howdy All,

It's looks like the weather is a changin' and so it's that time again!

I am lookin' for some volunteers to put together a work party, weather permitting, I would like to have one December 5, 2009 after the Saturday match. I would like to keep the work party short, so the more people we have the faster it will go. We need to do a general weed and leave abatement on the range from the bay fence line to the parking lot fence line (i.e. the picnic area and the walkways). We do have a few rakes and hoes available but if we get enough workers to get it done in a hurry we might need some more. So if you can bring one please do. All the help we can get would be greatly appreciated!

I look forward to kicking off my first work party as "Range Wrangler" with all your help and support; I can't wait to see you all there!

Thank You,

Hennessey Hayes

(Mark Kelsey)

If you can help or have any ideas or suggestions feel free to contact me.

Home 661-589-7510; Mobil 661-979-5622; Email


Howdy All,

As I said last month I would list some of the people that have agreed to take on some of the special jobs for the 2010 Shootout at 5 Dogs Creek, California State Championship. There is much more to this job than just the brief description below. If you see a category you think you would be willing to offer some help with or have any questions, I'm sure they would be happy to hear for you. Well here's the list so far.

Bones Brannon                                                        Target Fabrication

Bull McFearson                                                       Storekeeper

Calgary Kate                                                             Publication / Score Keeping

Doll Maker                                                                Editor

Even Dozen Outlaw                                                 Camping Coordinator

Foxi Schoolmarm                                                   Volunteer Coordinator

Hennessey Hayes                                                    Range Wrangler

Miss Barah Lee Misditt & Sam Ootie                   Awards / Prizes

Miss Chevious                                                          Registration

Miss Ann Laughitoff                                               Score Keeping

Sunshine Kid                                                            Vendors 

Mescalero                                                                 Sherrif, Write Stages / Safety

Mad Dog Draper                                                      Mayor, Registration

I would like to thank everyone for everything you did last year for your club and me as Range Wrangler, and a lot of you for signing up to do the same great job again, with everyone helping with what they can, I feel 2010 will be another great state shoot.

Thank You,

Mad Dog Draper

"Christmas is Coming" Sale & Shopping Opportunity

Christmas is just around the corner so bring plenty of cash and come to 5 Dogs Creek for the December match where you'll have a chance to get your shopping done early. We will have a Christmas sale on December 5th and 6th. You just might be able to finish your Christmas shopping early and in one place.

All 5DC members who craft, whittle, weld, bake, collect, are "shop-aholics" or something else with items to sell, swap or trade bring them to the December match. Set up your items on the picnic tables and put out a sign w/ your name so folks know who to talk to if they have questions or pay for purchases.

Just in case we get wet weather it might be a good idea to bring extra plastic to cover your items or guns to keep them from getting wet. With God willing we will have a beautiful weekend. See you all on the range!                                                 Doll Maker

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