May 2009 Edition
Howdy folks!
What a fantastic week we've just had at 5 Dogs Creek. Wow! Our California State Championship shootout turned out to be such a great success this year. Everyone who contributed their time and labor to making this event such a success should be especially proud. I know everyone needs a well deserved vacation and some much needed rest and recouping time. Without all the hard work put into making this such an exciting event it couldn't have been pulled off. So Hats off to all of you folks for doing such a fantastic job. Yea Haw!
Special thanks also go to the venders who helped make this possible also the Shriners for their good food and biscuits and gravy and the food caterers who had such great dinners, and the Howling Wolf Saloon, who added some spirit to the end of the day. Mad Trapper of Rat River put on an outstanding show and I for one would love to have him and his band do some more great shows for us in the future. Rudy Paris and his band were also great entertainment as always and had folks up dancing a jig or two.
For those of you interested in the final scores, you can check them out at site. You can also view photos from Doubleshot Darlin's Shooting Gallery on line at
Sunshine adds..
Sunshine's NRA booth saw a fair bit of business over the course of the
New member sign ups = 20
Renewing members = 20
Members who showed their current membership card = 24
Now more than ever it is so important for folks in shooting sports to be a
member of the National Rifle Association. Membership headcount is a
powerful indicator of Second Amendment support.
With all the fun you had shooting, socializing and shopping at SHOOTOUT!,
maybe you did not have a chance to sign up or renew your NRA membership. You
can do so now at or contact Sunshine Kid at
C'mon ladies and don your thinking caps because we are going to put on
another SHE-BANG! for our November match.
The talented ladies of 5 Dogs will write the stages and devise other
activities for everyone's enjoyment that weekend. While there are stages to
be written we'll have other activities that weekend too, so our non-shooting
female members can get involved too!
Email SunshineKid at; she'll be sending
out an email soon to those that express an interest to participate.
Howdy All
The first thing I have to say is I'm sorry; this should have gotten out to you all before this. For a person that can talk as much as I do I was rather stunned to find myself without words, or at least the right ones, I'm still not sure I have them now.
The hard work you folks did the week and weekend before the state shoot and also the months before at our monthly work parties didn't go unnoticed. The compliments just kept coming, from our members, folks that attended years before, and new attendees.
One of the most valued compliments to me was from Dan and Albert on how great the range looked. I got up early in the morning and walked the range for a couple of days before the match; saw a few leaves that had blown off the trees that was about it, not a cigarette butt or piece of paper could be found, everything was in its place.
What a great feeling.
People kept commenting on how great our members must be, and how they wished their members would work as hard to get and keep their ranges in the shape ours was in. All I could do was agree and say they sure are.
Thank you one and all for everything you did; we looked great and the compliments we received were all because of your efforts. The only thing I wish that had gone differently is that you all could have heard the great compliments that I did; you earned them all.
Thank You All
Mad Dog Draper
Howdy folks... Just a reminder that starting in June we'll be shooting summer hours. Trying to beat some of the heat!! Sign-in by 8 a.m. with shooter's meeting at 8:30 a.m. See ya June 6-7!
- Calgary Kate
Folks with the summer upon us the weather is going to be really warm for the next few months so please come prepared. Bring sun block and plan on using it. Be sure to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and try and stay cooled off as much as possible. We have some lovely shade trees to give us that extra help too.