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April 2009 Edition

Howdy folks:

Wow! What a weekend. Bo Bean put on a fantastic match this weekend as usual with fast action and six stages each day. There were four possees Saturday and Sunday and a lot of campers to enjoy the great weather. We did have a problem with those blasted flying earwigs again but hope to have them under control by the State Shoot.

With the State Shoot coming up in just a few short weeks these last two months should have helped folks get in a lot of practice and preparation for it. The pot luck turned out just fantastic. There was so much food that if anyone went away hungry, it was their own fault. I still think we should get together and put a 5 Dog Creek Cookbook together some time in the future. Let's think about that ladies and gents.

The preparations for the State shoot have been completed and everything is all set to go. Thanks to all the members who have put so much time, work and effort into making this all come together. We should have a great State Shoot his year. Volunteers are still needed so please let Miss Foxy School Marm know when you will be available to put in some time to help out. Her email is or give her a call at 661-872-7863.

There are 10 confirmed venders this year with a possibility of three more so please come prepared to do some shopping to get those items you have been looking for and needing.

If you haven't signed up yet for the State shoot the time is getting really short to get that done. So folks get on the stick. All sign ups after the 15th of April will have a late charge added.

April 25th and 26th
We will need to put together a Shootout work party Saturday, April 25th and Sunday, April 26th -- the weekend before the shootout. This will be the final chance to get the range cleaned-up and the targets set for the match. I have been told we will be providing pizza for lunch Saturday and possibly Sunday.

All the help we can get the three days before the shootout would be greatly appreciated. This week will be a lot of work and we need all the help we can get. I will be at the range from April 24th through the Shootout so if you are looking for something to do during the week please come see me. No mater how much or little you can help, it all will be appreciated.   
Thank You
Mad Dog Draper
If you can help or have any ideas or suggestions feel free to contact me.


The attached photos all have to do w/ folks helping to get the range ready
for SHOOTOUT!, the SASS CA State Championship.  Many hands made for light
work and the range looks fantastic! 

We have a short wait after the match until the day's scores are ready to be
read. So we fill the time eating lunch, enjoying the fine weather and each
other's company -- especially some folks we haven't seen for a long time at
the range.

Stitches spent the better part of the day with us at he range working on leather items for folks to be in fine shape for SHOOTOUT!

Last November a bunch of ladies of 5 Dog Creek put on the monthly match.  We
called it SHE-BANG! and it was a huge success.  We had so much fun we want
to do it again this year.  So if you are a female shooter or non-shooter at
5 Dog Creek and would like to help plan this event, contact Sunshine Kid, , 310-386-9584.

Even if you only come to shoot on Sundays, there is opportunity for you to
share your ideas, write a stage, or do something that will contribute to
making this a great event.  This is our monthly match and will take place on
Saturday, October 31 (Halloween) and Sunday, November 1, 2009

<>><<>><<>> Sunshine.

Sunshine also caught some horse rustlers in the act.

The same rustlers and their gang decided to get rid of the evidence.

Our future members can't start out soon enough! Little Havoc is seen here with her pink holster and proud dad Mayor Dirt McFearson.

For everyone who will be camping out at the range during the State shoot out please remember to bring extra water. There isn't any water available except what Dave Olds can haul in. There will also be ice for sale for those in need. Black tank pumping will be available when the guys come out to pump the restrooms.

Please be safe and shoot straight and have a great time at the State Championship shootout.
Doll Maker